Monday 30 July 2012

About Kilauea

Name of Volcano: Kilauea in Hawaii
Type of Volcano: Shield, Hotspot
Category of Volcano: Active
Number of eruptions:35 eruptions sice 1952 excluding the current episode, A Majout 1 in 1924, KÄ«lauea lava fountaining occurred in 1959, a summit crater explosion in 2008, vent & lava flows 1983-2012, fissure eruption in 2011.
Physical & Human Landscape: Crater Rim Drive to check out its summit which will encircles the summit caldera, passes through desert, lush tropical rain forest, traverses the caldera floor, and provides access to well-marked scenic stops and short walks, Crater Rim Drive Depending on changing volcanic activity, there may be opportunities for viewing active lava flow from the end of the road. No food, water, or fuel is available along the 40-mile long Chain of Craters Road, a volcano house where you can view the crater, a Thurston Lava Tube which was formed about 350-500 years ago, during an eruption on the east side of Kilauea’s summit. The 20-minute walk at Thurston Lava Tube will give you a close-up look at a Hawaiian rainforest and the magnificent lava tube. Be careful, the trail can be slippery when wet. When the eruption stopped the lava drained from the tube, a Halema’uma’u Overlook, Pu’u Loa Petroglyphs which are ancient lava rock carvings, Holei Sea Arch, Active Lava Flow, Steam Vents, Volcano Eco Tour Adventure and many Longer Hikes & Camping.
Danger the volcano poses: If the winds change, moving the fumes' course inland toward areas with a scattered population approaching 10,000. So far, Hawaii's famous tradewinds are pushing the plume to the south-west.The levels of sulfur dioxide could cause serious health risks, especially to people with existing respiratory problems such as asthma. Health officials say the gas has not posed serious problems so far because it is blowing more toward the ocean.

The types of things put in place to prevent loss & damage from the volcano erupting: Lava flows are less dangerous to human life & the flow of lava can be roughly predicted, diversion measures, cool advancing front with water, or disruption of source or advancing front of lava flow by explosives may be taken in principle.
What i believe should be in place in monitoring a volcano: NIL

      Historic Volcanic 1959 Kilauea Eruption                               Kilauea Eruption 1924

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