Monday 30 July 2012

About Llullaillaco

Name of Volcano: Llullaillaco in the border of Argentina (Salta Province) and Chile.
Type of Volcano: Stratovolcano
Category of Volcano: Dormant
Number of eruptions: There are reports of eruptions in 1854, 1868, and 1877[It's Last Recorded Eruption], possibly causing the youngest lava flows on the volcano, which are easily recognizable because of their very dark appearance. The earlier eruptions are unknown at the Llullaillaco I, the ancestral primary volcano, dates back to the  Pleistocene.
Physical & Human Landscape:   It is surrounded by large debris fields, and ironically is capped by snow and small glaciers despite the extremely dry conditions of the region. There are  several climbing routes which do not require specialized climbing techniques, . Crampons and an ice axe are needed as most paths cross ice fields. However, the area on the Chilean side of the mountain is known to have some land mines that were installed during the Argentina-Chile conflict period of 1978–1982, thus rendering it extremely dangerous. Archeologists have also found 3 well preserved mummies in the volcano. According to contemporary writings by Spanish priests, these children were participants in capacocha [a sacrificial rite that occurred in celebration of key events in the life of the Inca emperor] The  15-year-old girl, nicknamed "La doncella" (The maiden), a seven-year-old boy, and a six-year-old girl, nicknamed "La niƱa del rayo" (The lightning girl). Lightning girl got her name as during that time, a lightning struck her body.
Danger the volcano poses: No Dangers now or in the forseeable future.
The types of things put in place to prevent loss & damage from the volcano erupting: The altitude imposes great difficulty and is by itself a very dangerous factor.

What i believe should be in place in monitoring a volcano: NIL
 Llullaillaco Volcanic Bunny                              There is no volcanic eruption pictures or videos as photography there then was unavailable.

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